Sweet Peacock!

I love this zombie-30s' pinup come peacock lady from Ryan Mason.

Flower Lady

Simple but lovely, this pretty geisha was done by Darwin Enriquez.

Snakes in her Mane!

Scarily good, and thoroughly NSFW realistic Medusa, from Dave Newman. Apologies for the awful title punnage.


Roger LaDouceur is responsible for this comic book Mystique, would love to see one of the film version!

A Hyding to Nothing!

Something a bit more traditional, done by Marco Hyder and shamelessly culled from Modblog.

Day Of The Dead Good

Something a bit more striking from Ed Perdomo this time. A frightening and frighteningly good zombie geisha.

Who's there?

Something a bit different from Darwin Enriquez this time...

We have a Vinall!

A nice collection of new school pinups from Steve Vinall, with a touch of the Corpse Bride about them?

Oh, my aching sides

Alessandro Mayer, culled from ModBlog. Not the greatest tattoo, but worth it for the 'ugh' factor.

Toon Time

This cartoony pinup was done by Darwin Enriquez.

Classic FM

Alex De Pase, portrait artist extraordinaire, does an Elvgren pinup. Not the best thing he's done, but still pretty amazing. Nope she's not getting a thrill off that radio!

Turn the Page

A tattooist submission! These ace Bettie Pages were done by Mark Nattress.


Douglas Billian's hospital experiences were obviously a lot different to mine.